Sunday, June 21, 2020


Watching the global events happening around the world, I realise the necessity of redefining the word “Human” (Anthropos) and what the criteria are for someone to be called as such. Since our planet faces harmful situations due to inhumane actions, it is very important to dia-gnose the problem and find a solution, before it is too late for all of us.
In order to do so, we need to go back to ancient myths which will help us make a proper dia-gnosis. 
For many people, a myth is a combination of the supernatural and a bit of reality that has an instructional purpose. However, is that what a myth actually is?
Myth is actual history. Therefore, we need to search our myths in order to find our true history, namely the origins of the human himself.

According to ancient Greek mythology (i.e. history), there are 12 Gods. The 12 Gods of Olympus: DIA (or Zeus), HERA, ARTEMIS, ATHENA, HERMES, DEMETER, APOLLO, APHRODITE, HEPHAESTUS, ARES, HESTIA and POSEIDON. 
Now, I will prove to you that these Olympian Gods are real and they do exist. They exist within every human being upon this planet, regardless of the country that he is born in and the language that he speaks. Furthermore, the 12 Gods of Olympus are the core and the fundamental structure of true Democracy.

These 12 Gods are actually the 12 Values that define the Human Being and consequently the society that he lives in, as organised through Democracy. 
Each Olympian corresponds to a Value that is innate to the human. All the 12 Values put together, create (as shown in the picture) the Human Being. The Human Being is a whole, just like Olympus. That is why you can NEVER separate the 12 Values or even remove one. They are a whole. Olympus begins with the letter O, denoting the whole, the circle that includes everything together. From the smallest particle of life (cells) to the largest ones (solar systems, planets etc), everything is a connected whole “O”, a wholeness.

Now let’s see our 12 Olympians and connect them with the 12 Values. 
DIA represents logic. He represents the light within our Nous (Mind). His lumi-nous value represented by his name DIA is utilised in languages such as Spanish and Portuguese in the word “day = dia”. HERA represents Freedom. It is important to note here the connection with the God of Bravery who is ARES. If we write their names with Greek letters, we will see that they share the same ones: HERA = ΗΡΑ (IRA) and ARES = ΑΡΗ (ΑRI), but with the letters rearranged. This connection portrays that someone bravely fights for his freedom, such as Leonidas bravely (ARES) fought for the freedom (HERA) of his people. You need Bravery in order to breathe the “AIR OF FREEDOM” and you fight every day in order to achieve great things in life. ARTEMIS represents Virtue, the “art” of ethics. ATHENA is Justice herself, and that is why she was born from DIA’S forehead, because in order to administer Justice, you need to administer it with Logic. HERMES is the God of Equality. DEMETER and APOLLO represent Abundance and Truth respectively. APHRODITE is the Value of Aesthetics and is often paired with HEPHAISTOS, and are the only ones to have the letter “Φ = phi” within their names, denoting the Golden Mean (or divine proportion), symmetry, balance and therefore beauty and Harmony. HESTIA is the Olympian of the Value Eudaimonia, and lastly POSEIDON, the God of the Sea and Waters, represents Self-Knowledge and knowing who you truly are. Water is a valuable source of life for the humans and the human body consists of a great amount of water. That is the reason why “Know Thyself” is the Value of POSEIDON. 
Therefore, we have 6 female Olympians (HERA, ARTEMIS, ATHENA, APHRODITE, DEMETER and HESTIA) and 6 male Olympians (DIA, HERMES, APOLLO, ARES, HEPHAESTUS and POSEIDON) creating equality, and when we put them together, we have the total number of 12.
Each Value contains all the 12 Values within. For example, Logic contains Freedom, Virtue, Truth, Justice, Self-Knowledge, Bravery, Harmony, Aesthetics, Abundance, Eudaimonia, Equality and Logic, since Logic creates Logic. In the case of the Value of Logic, Logic includes the 12 Values and it is also placed in the main 13th position (and axis point) as shown below:
The same applies to all the remaining Values. 
As a result, we have 12 Values and 12 axis points (the 13th position and center), since the above applies for all the Values.
That creates the multiplication of 12 x 12 = 144. That is the reason why the pediments regarding the architecture in the buildings, such as the Parthenon, have a 144° degree upper angle as shown in these pictures:

Nothing is by chance!!

Numbers play a very important role in many philosophers’ works, such as Pythagoras, Empedocles, Euclid etc.
The Greek word for "number" is “arithmos”, which the word “arithmetical” derives from.
What does “arithmos” mean though? 
A-rithmos is the “Rhythm” (rithmos) of “Alpha” (A). In other words, arithmos is the pulse of the beginning (Alpha) as well as the principles that organize the melody harmonically (or melo-dia) of our life. 
Melody, harmony and rhythm are important components of music. Melody is expressed through our voice, and it is harmonized with other people’s voice through this Value System, preserving a healthy rhythm within our societies.
You may read more about the human voice here: The Human Voice and a Nation
Without these 12 Values, we have nothing. We have illogical actions, no Freedom at all, dishonesty (against Virtue), injustice, inequality, envy (no Abundance), lies (no Truth), deformity (no Aesthetics), disharmony, cowardice, misery (no Eudaimonia), oblivion (you do not know who you are - Know Thyself). No rhythm and out of tune societies characterized by disharmony.
Now is the time for the restoration of the 12 Values. These 12 Values, these 12 Gods are the pulse of our lives and societies. They are the beginning (A) and the beating pulse (rhythm) that regulate our lives harmoniously. 
Notice that within the wholeness of Olympus (namely all Olympian Gods), there are 13 “Alphas”: ΔΙΑ (DIA) consists of only one alpha within his name.  ΗΡΑ (HERA), ΑΦΡΟΔΙΤΗ (APHRODITE), ΑΡΗ (ARES), ΕΣΤΙΑ (HESTIA), ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝΑ(POSEIDON)ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ (DEMETER), ΑΡΤΕΜΗ (ARTEMIS),          and ΗΦΑΙΣΤΟ (HEPHAESTUS). ΑΘΗΝΑ (ATHENA) and ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΑ (APOLLO) have two alphas each, at the beginning and end of their names respectively. Lastly, ΕΡΜΗ (HERMES) has no alpha. 13 Alphas are within the wholeness of Olympus…..
This reminds us of the 13th position and axis point earlier in this article! 
In addition, it is important to note the origins of the word “rhythm”. Rhythm comes from the verb “Reo” (ΡΕΩ) which means “to flow”. 
Nowadays, nothing flows. We are stuck within a dead-end with no “Air” to breathe (Freedom).
There is no ethics and moral Values. Ethics and God are two words that are connected in the Greek language. In Greek, God is translated as ΘΕΟΣ (Theos) as in the word “Theology” = Theo (or Theos meaning God) and Logy from logic. Now, if we switch the letters that compose the first syllable of the word “The-os”, we will see the following: Ethos, which is Ethics.

Acknowledge these Values within you and take a stand for your life. Ask questions and think if your government and your “political leaders” are characterized by these Values. Remember who you truly are!
The person who brought the grandeur of the 12 Values to light, is being kept in prison since June 2018. He continues to fight even behind the bars and calls upon all humans around the world to fight for Justice, Freedom, Truth, Equality, Harmony, Abundance, Aesthetics with Logic, Bravery and Virtue.
Remember who you are (Know Thyself) and find the purpose of your life (Eudaimonia), because you are truly great and immortal, human!
Stop living within oblivion. It is the time for the light of the mind (logic) to speak out.
Great Honour and Respect to Artemis Sorras


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