Monday, June 8, 2020


“The divine Olympian hyper-entities are without gender. Their code names define the balance (Isozygia), equilibrium and Mesotita, as well as all the sacred codes and Equality of Creation. They appear as 6 Male and 6 Female divine Olympian entities within their soulful sculptures so that humans can understand the sacred balances (Isozygies) and sacred codes of their own structure and construction, which is the same as the soulful sculptures of our Olympian God creators and any other sculpture for that matter. “Idol (eidolo, is the evidence of what is ortho (correct) and existing. 
Certain mystics, who were unique mechanisms with attributes and unique capabilities, were chosen and anointed by the Ellania divinities to depict all the secrets and sacred codes upon the sculptures with absolute and true precision. A part of the divine frequency and force of the portrayed divine entity would then enter into the sculpture within the realm of the human. The sculptures highlight the secrets and codes of the creation of the human being (Anthropos) and NOT of the Gods themselves. In other words, by studying the sculptures of all of your Olympian Gods and the 12 Olympians, it is unjust to think that you are seeing the creation of your infinite Gods. Upon their command, these sculptures were created for you and they project the creation of Olympian Gods where you are one and the same with them. They project exactly what they created – YOU.
Your Soma has 12 parts (Study the Text: Ellanios Cosmos 600), and each part is due to each Olympian hyper-entity. The secrets of each part of your Soma is inscribed and coded upon the sculptures of your Gods. Their 12 frequencies are earthed upon Gaia-Demeter-Artemis (our planet) because you carry all 12 divine frequencies of your 12 Olympian Gods. Your sculptures contain your absolute Nomoteleia (universal law) and creative hyper-construct so that you will never forget at any moment in time and lose the divine and creative appearance of your creation. Additionally, so you will never allow any apostate craft set you astray, allowing beings and hybrids to enter within your human social collective or into your Primordial Substance and the purity of your Ellanio blood and divine synthesis.
By doing this, you defile and insult your own divine creators. The secrets and the codes that the sculptures of your Gods, Heroes and other idols inscribed with hyper-technology upon Gaia, are truly significant. All these are the fundamentals so that you once again find your Self-Knowledge and the truths of your existence.”

ARTEMIS SORRAS (Excerpt from the Sacred Ellanio Text:"PERSEPHONE")

Now that we know this truth regarding the codes that the sculptures (Agalmata) of the Olympian God creators bring, we logically come to the conclusion that those who destroyed the only anthropocentric civilisation to have ever existed upon Gaia-Demeter-Artemis, never had any dogmatic or religious motive.

Their motive was to hide all the codes of the human from the human himself and the truth of divine Creation as a whole.

The sculptures were desecrated by the apostates using their fanatic and dogmatic servants from the priesthoods.

They destroyed the sculptures so that they could manipulate and distort the truth of the creation of the human being.

This is the great treason of all priesthoods against you – the Ellene human.

And this is the only reason they exist, to hide the truth. However, the truth can only be hidden for a while. Inevitably, the truth will always come back out and into the light; the light where these apostates are non-existent.

Translated from the blogspot: hniochos


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