Saturday, June 13, 2020



Between June 1- 7, 72 illegal immigrants arrived on the Aegean islands, an increase from the previous week’s 55 arrivals but a decrease from last year’s 766 arrivals during the same period, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported.
Currently, according to the agency, there are 36,900 illegal immigrants on the Aegean islands, with nearly half from Afghanistan. The majority of the population on the Aegean islands are from Afghanistan (49%), Syria (19%) and Somalia (6%).
Of the 36,900 illegal immigrants on the islands, 22% were women and 33% were children, in which 6 out of 10 are younger than 12 years old. Of those children, around 13% were unaccompanied or separated from their parents and were mostly from Afghanistan.
However, 45% of the illegal immigrants were men, more than double the number of women.
To ‘shield’ the older and immune-compromised illegal immigrants from coronavirus, UNHCR said they are prioritising their transfer out of the migrant camps and into apartments or hotels on the islands or the mainland.
Between June 1 and 7, 80 illegal were transferred, with 13 of them to the mainland.
Lesvos received the highest number of illegal immigrant between the reported time period, while the Dodecanese islands, Samos and Chios received no arrivals.
This week, 421 illegal immigrants departed from the Aegean islands to the mainland when they received permission from authorities. Of those, 70 were transferred by the Government with the support of UNHCR to apartments currently managed by the agency.
Makis Pavlellis, a local who works and lives in Moria where the infamous migrant camp in Lesvos is located, said “something very bad and dangerous has been going on for 4 months in the area. It looks organised and directed.” 
Source of Article: Greek City Times

"Organised and directed" is definite. See the video below on how illegal immigrants are trained by members of the non-profit organisation: "Solidarity Now" funded by George Soros, so they can cheat the asylum application and tests!

The fact is, isn't it suspicious that the majority, if not ALL illegal immigrants are passing into Greece from Turkey, as we saw in recent episodes at the Evros border. And with all these recent tensions between the two countries, one can suspect that many of these males (the majority of illegal immigrants as the article above states), could be military infiltrators from Turkey. All they have to do is wait for the call from Turkey to initiate an attack from within Greece, while everyone else is focusing on an attack from the outside.

Of course, "our" government has done very little (to absolutely nothing), and are more than likely coconspirators in such infiltrations from both the wave of illegal immigrants and the constant violations of our borders from Turkey.

Our government as coconspirators shouldn't surprise anyone as they have performed many traitorous acts against the Ellene (Greek) people. The Ellene citizen, Artemis Sorras has exposed the government as well as their traitorous acts in modern times and historically during the Asia Minor catastrophe who schemed together with the Ottomans to steal the Ellene people's gold and their shares of the Bank of Anatolia, causing the massacre and genocide of the Ellene populace of Asia Minor. This has been exposed and proven through documents of the time and recent court decisions that expose the Bank of Greece and the government's involvement in this.

More info about Artemis Sorras and the traitorous acts of the Greek Government can be found here:

And here:
Bank of Anatolia

Furthermore, see the video below to hear what he says about the Turkey and Greece tensions.


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