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Tuesday, July 14, 2020



“Oilers”, whistle-blowers, SS collaborators, Wehrmacht and Gestapo interpreters, dictators and dossiers that walked through the court rooms of the time have left behind their seed in the form of their descendants that today play a leading role in the political and financial reality of our home Ellas, which is still under occupation. It has never been attempted to identify the descendants with their forefathers and their wrong-doings; also, it has never been attempted to attribute familial responsibilities to sons, daughters and grandchildren of that system. However, although there is a stained past for each and every one of the names that are listed, none of the family’s heirs has rejected it.

Therefore, they either applaud it and are proud of it, or, they just pretend to ignore it as if it never happened. So, let us examine some of them: 

Such claims that been made regarding the family of former European parliament candidate and former minister of the government, Pantelis Kapsis. Relevant information has been brought to light by professor Christos Goudis. This information is regarding the grandfather (father of Ioannis Kapsis) of the former ‘Elia’ [lit. ‘Olive Tree’] candidate. Professor Goudis says: 

In the newspaper ‘Kathimerini’ of 13/04/2014, Pantelis Kapsis, in his role as ‘undersecretary responsible for Public Television and European Parliament candidate with the political party ‘Elia’ as mentioned in the same newspaper, published an article entitled ‘We do not give away our past’. But what is this past? For those with a weak memory, we should remind that on July 1931, the foundation of the “Organization of Greek Nationalists’ (OEE) took place, the members of which wore black shirts and yellow armbands with the byzantine eagle superimposed on them, and would salute their leader in the ‘Roman Fashion’.

‘OEE had its headquarters in their privately owned Giannarou Mansion in Syntagma Square (Othonos and Philhellinon Str) which, as the core of the Greek Nationalists was nicknamed ‘the Brown House’. It was administrated by the 20-member ‘Grand Council’, as a reference to Mussolini’s ‘Grand Council of Fascism’.

Among the twelve founding members of OEE were household names of the Athenian society, such as future minister Lampros Eftaxias, and journalist Pantelis Kapsis Sr (father of fellow journalist and future PASOK minister Giannis Kapsis, and grandfather of well-known journalists Pantelis and Manolis Kapsis), who demonstrated the anti-parliamentarian character of the organization through his work ‘Georgios Kondylis in war and in peace’ (1934) in which he underlines: “Parliamentarism is a joke, a hybrid fabrication. Elections have never produced the true will of the people. People can be easily tricked or have their votes bought off”.

For those interested in further information, there is a recently published book by Iakovos Chondromatidis titled “The Greek Fascists – The Fascist and National Socialist organizations in interwar Greece”. 

“It is indeed a good thing not to give our past away, but instead to honor it and honor those that respect it. Besides, it appears that the past still has a long way to go”.

About a year ago, during his appearance in the TV show ‘Makeleio’, well known historian and author Dimitris Koukounas said: ‘People need to remember their history’ After providing evidence and historical documentation confirming that the father of former prime-minister Kostas Simitis, (who humiliated the country during the 1996 Imia crisis and also surrendered it to the Euro-usurers), was a Nazi collaborator, he dropped another bomb: 

He also revealed that the grandfather of the then spokesperson of the government, Simos Kedikoglou, was a paid Nazi interpreter; moreover, that the father of the resigned former Minister of Shipping G. Vernikos, was also included in the list of financial dossiers. 

The evidence regarding the father of Kostas Simitis is of great interest. The father of the former Prime Minister, Giorgos Simitis, was one of the five most powerful individuals in Greece during the Occupation, who could secretly decide the street value of the Golden Pound. 

Attorney Giorgos Simitis was the then Secretary General of the Hellenic Banks Union (HBU), a position to which he was appointed by the HBU President, Giorgos Mercouris (uncle of actress Melina Merkouri). 

As for his participation in the ‘Government of the Mountains’, EAM’s PEEA [Political Committee for National Liberation (Politiki Epitropi Ethnikis Apeleftherosis) of the National Liberation Front (Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo)], Koukounas points out that ‘[Simitis] only got involved with EAM once Merkouris, his protector, passed away. That occurred during the first months of 1944, when the German defeat and the end of Occupation appeared to be a certainty’. 

According to the author’s research, the grandfather of former Minister of Finance Giorgos Papakonstantinou (and father of former Nea Dimokratia [lit. ‘New Democracy’] minister Michalis Papakonstantinou) was the person that managed to lobby the Tsolakoglou government (during the German Occupation) to grant him the privilege of founding an electricity factory in the lignite-rich Ptolemaida area. After a few years, Michalis Papakonstantinou and his brother Stergios (father of Georgios) sold the factory with profit to DEI (Public Electricity Corporation).

The father of former Caretaker Prime Minister, Othonas Pikramenos, was, according to Koukounas, the person that held the exclusive trading rights to Goebbel’s propaganda material in occupied Greece. Moreover, with the support of the representatives of the 3rd Reich’s Ministry of Propaganda, he founded the Union of Hellenic and Foreign Press, of which he held a 51% stake. His son, Panagiotis, former Caretaker Prime Minister, enrolled, at the age of 12, to the German School of Athens, which was shut down right after Occupation but resumed operations during the 1950s. 

In the infamous list of “The 163 financial mega-dossiers, who benefited during the German Occupation”, second name in line is that of the forbearers of the historical entrepreneurial dynasty of the reputable contemporary continuators of post-WWII ‘Halyvourgiki’ [lit. ‘Steel Works’] and their satellite businesses. “Th. Angelopoulos and Sons, entrepreneurs” are mentioned in the documented book of Koukounas, which has been commercially available for a few years now, and has created a stir, despite the refusal of several intertwined media owners to publicize it – although its content has never been publicly challenged by anyone. Author and historian Dimosthenes Koukounas dedicates a separate chapter to the fruitful results of the financial partnership between the Angelopoulos family and the German Occupation authorities between 1941 and 1944. 

Always according to information recorded and published by Koukounas in several articles and books (such as ‘The economy of Greece during the German Occupation and the truth regarding the Occupation loans [loans that had been agreed between the unconstitutional government of the time and the German occupying authorities]), the leading figure of the Angelopoulos family cooperation with the German conquerors was the head of the family, Theodoros Angelopoulos. 

Shareholders in the family business partnership with the Nazi occupators, according to the author, were also his children Angelos Angelopoulos (professor of Economics), Panagiotis and Dimitrios, who was murdered in 1986 by the “Revolutionary Organization 17N” (lit. ‘17th of November’). Grandchildren and contemporary continuators of the economic ‘miracle’ of entrepreneurial tradition are Konstantinos and Theodoros Angelopoulos (sons of one of the biggest shareholders of Greek-German Occupation partership, Panagiotis). Further continuators are Konstantinos Angelopoulos’ sons, Panagiotis and Giorgos. 

According to the historical documents provided, the Angelopoulos brothers, partners with the Germans, carried out a series of fortification works to the benefit of the German Occupation Army, including the production of barbed wire made out of steel and iron for the concentration camps for Greek prisoners destined to be executed. 

There is also a lot written regarding the grandfather of Theodoros Pagkalos. 

On the 13th of July 1925, dictator Theodoros Pagkalos, grandfather of the Vice-president of the George Papandreou Jr government, proceeded to apply censorship to the freedom of the Press. The Press was put under severe censorship, while the number of journalists that were arrested and imprisoned was not insignificant, such as Kyros Kyrou, director of the newspaper ‘Estia’ and journalist Georgios Ventiris. It needs to be pointed out that during his dictatorship he banned the circulation of newspapers ‘Rizospastis’ [lit. ‘Roots Braker’] and ‘Kathimerini’ [lit. ‘Daily’].  At the same time, there were massive persecutions against his political rivals, who he would often displace, such as Ioannis Metaxas, Alexandros Papanastasiou, Nikolaos Plastiras, Georgios Papandreou Sr, whereas the recently founded KKE (Communist Party of Greece) was also targeted.

Major General Theodoros Pagkalos had usurped power by coup-d’-etat on the 25th of June 1925, overthrowing the Mihalakopoulos government. On the 30th of September of the same year, he abolished the parliament under the pretense that ‘it had lost the nation’s trust’.

On the 24th of August of 1926 Pagkalos was overthrown. On December 1944 he was released from prison after having been arrested by the government of Georgios Papandreou Sr. On the 25th of August 1945 he was again arrested on accusations of being a dossier. A few days earlier he had been prosecuted for his published articles during the German Occupation, which, according to the prosecution, were serving the German cause. 

On the 12th of September 1945 he was acquitted of the charges that associated him with cooperating with the German authorities. That accusations were based on the fact that he was involved in the founding of the infamous ‘Tagmata Asfaleias’ [lit. ‘Security Battalions’]. Pagkalos is described to have supported the TA in order to forfeit a possible return of the monarchy in Greece.  

Source: gianniotis.blogspot.com


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